Balancing between science and story
Healing school Wonder school
Education for anyone who wants to be better
Ways we can help
1:1 Coaching
The ideal choice if you want a personal touch that is tailored to your goals and lifestyle. Great for exploring ambivalence and creating accountability.
Explore wellness principles through the power of story, or by following our proven-effective Blueprint.
Find like-minded people who can empathize with your challenges and support you on your healing journey.
Building your wings of wellness
you can do this
Learning to fly takes time and effort. A lot of time, and a lot of effort. Keep going! Reach out for support and guidance as you need it. We all need help, and no one is alone @BlueEllipsis
We can help
Whether your greatest pain is around family issues, substances, or mental health, Blue Ellipsis wants to teach you practical skills to tangibly improve your life, on your terms.